Appendix: References on self-field quantum electrodynamics
from A.O. Barut, “Brief History and Recent Developments in Electron Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics” in The Electron, D. Hestenes and A. Weingartshofer eds. (1991).
- Nonperturbative QED: The Lamb Shift, A.O. Barut and J. Kraus, Found. of Physics,
13, 189 (1983).
- QED based on self-energy: Lamb shift and spontaneous emission without field quantization, A.O.Barut and J.F. van Huele, Phys. Rev. A, 32, 3887
- QED based on self-energy versus quantization of fields: Illustration by a simple model. A.O. Barut, Phys. Rev. A, 34, 3502 (1986)
- An exactly soluble relativistic quantum two-fermion problem. A.O. Barut and N.
Ünal, J. Math. Phys., 27, 3055 (1986)
- A new approach to bound state QED. I. Theory, Physica Scripta, 142A, 457 (1987),
II. Spectra of positronium, muonium and Hydrogen. A.O. Barut and N.Ünal, Physica, 142A, 488 (1987)
- An approach to finite non-perturbative QED. A.O. Barut in “Proc. 2nd Intern.
Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mech.”, Phys. Soc. of Japan, 1986, p. 323.
- On the treatment of Møller and Breit potentials and the covariant 2-body equation
for positronium and muonium, A.O. Barut, Physica Scripta, 36, 493 (1987)
- On the covariance of two-fermion equation, A.O. Barut, in “Constraint theory and
Relativistic dynamics”, (L. Lusanna et al, eds.) World Scientific, 1987; p. 122
- Formulation of nonperturbative QED as a nonlinear first quantized classical field
theory, A.O. Barut in “Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics”, (H.
Doebner et al, eds.), World Scientific 1987; p. 51
- QED based on self-energy: Spontaneous emission in cavities, A.O. Barut and J.P.
Dowling, Phys. Rev. A, 36, 649 (1987)
- QED based on self-energy, without second quantization:
The Lamb shift and long-range Casimir-Polder van der Waals forces near boundaries, A.O. Barut and J.P. Dowling, Phys. Rev. A, 36, 2550 (1987)
- QED based on selfenergy, A.O. Barut, Physica Scripta, T21, 18 (1988)
- Relativistic theory of spontaneous emission, A.O. Barut and Y. Salamin, Phys. Rev. A, 37, 2284 (1988)
- QED based on self-fields, without second quantization:
A nonrelativistic calculation of g - 2, A.O. Barut, J.P.
Dowling and J.F. van Huele, Phys. Rev. A, 38, 4405 (1988)
- QED based on self-fields, without second quantization: Apparatus dependent contributions to g - 2, A.O. Barut
and J.P. Dowling, Phys. Rev. A, 38, 2796 (1989)
- QED based on self fields, A Relativistic calculation of (g - 2), A.O. Barut and J.P.
Dowling, Zeits. f. Naturf, 44A, 1051 (1989)
- Path integral formulation of QED from classical particle trajectories, A.O. Barut
and I.H. Duru, Phys. Reports, 172, 1-32 (1989)
- Problème relativiste á deux corps en électyrodynamique quantique, Heelv. Phys.
Acta, 62, 436 (1989)
- Self-field QED: The two-level atom, A.O. Barut and J.P. Dowling, Phys. Rev. A, 41,
2284 (1990)
- QED based on self-fields:
On the origin of thermal radiation detected by an accelerating observer, A.O. Barut and J.P. Dowling, Phys. Rev. A, 41, 2227 (1990)
- Relativistic Spontaneous emission in Heisenberg representation. A.O. Barut and Y.
Salamin, Z. f. Physik D, (in press)
- QED based on self-energy: The relativistic 2S1/2 → 1S1/2 + 1γ decay rates of hydrogen-like atoms, A.O. Barut and Y. Salamin, Phys. Rev. A, 43, 2524 (1991)
- QED-The unfinished business, A.O. Barut in “Proc. III. Conf. Math. Physics”
(World Scientific, 1990) (F. Hussain, ed.) p. 493
- A regularized analytic evaluation of vacuum polarization in Coulomb field, A.O.
Barut and Ünal, Phys. Ret. D, 41, 3822 (1990)
- The Foundations of Self-field Quantumelectrodynamics, A.O. Barut in “New
Frontiers of Quantumelectrodynamics and Quantumoptics”, (edited by A.O. Barut), Plenum
Press, NY 1990
- QED Based on Self-fields: Cavity effects, J.P. Dowling, ibid
- Fundamental Symmetries of Quantumelectrodynamics in Symmetry in Science III,
Plenum Press 1989 (ed. B. Gruber), p. 3-13
- QED in Non-Simply Connected Regions, A. O. Barut and I. H. Duru, Quantum Optics
- Contribution of the individual discrete levels to the Lamb shift in hydrogenic atoms,
A. O. Barut, B. Blaive and R. Boudet J. Phys. B.
- Interpretation of self-field QED, A. O. Barut and J. P. Dowling Phys. Rev. A, 43, 4060 (1991)
- Is Second Quantization Necessary? in Quantum Theory and the Structure of Space
and Time, Vol. 6 (edited by L. Castell and C. F. vm Weizsäcker), Hanser Verlag,
Munchen 1986; p. 83-90.