August 28, 2002: Road trip! Most people find the I-5 drive, 400 miles of
monotonously spacious skies and amber waves of weeds, to be something
short of exciting.... |
August 14, 2002: I've been playing around with this for a while now, and it's never
really gone anywhere.... |
July 22, 2002: My apologies for the lack of blawgage recently... |
June 24, 2002: I was mulling over some boolean algebra in the shower this morning... |
June 15, 2002: A Barnes & Noble recently opened up within walking distance of my house.... |
June 7, 2002: I'm almost... bored.... |
May 23, 2002: My new goal: ambidexterity. The technical control I have over my
hands is severely polarized toward the right, and this bothers me.... |
May 16, 2002: The last couple weeks have been spent job searching online, an
activity which seems almost as effective and enjoyable as
wearing a "WILL DESIGN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS FOR FOOD" sandwich board
down at the freeway exit, minus the fresh air and the dignity.... |
April 26, 2002: I've been in an absurdly good mood lately.... |
April 22, 2002: Andy stopped by sunny California for a couple days this weekend, and as
usual, it was a lot of fun.... |
April 8, 2002: At night, I am an unterminated transmission line. If the end of a
transmission line is left open, there is nowhere for the current to
go.... |
April 7, 2002: Today was spent in an absolutely futile attempt to arrange a piece
of music.... |
March 28, 2002: Aw yeah. Life is good.... |
March 16, 2002: An unusual event occurred today. I thought it might be worth recording.... |
February 24, 2002: I am no longer in a band. This news is overdue, I imagine...... |
January 28, 2002: Another project down, at least for now. Just some pro-bono webdesign for a non-profit group in San Francisco.... |
January 10, 2002: It is possible that I might be embarking on a major project sometime in the near future. If that is indeed the case, I want to do this project right.... |
December 17, 2001: My ideal home would be connected to the outside world only through the internet, the mailbox, and the front door. No television, no radio, and no telephone.... |
December 11, 2001: Okay, let's try this again. The band will be playing at Curve in SF on December 15, in the 6 pm to 10 pm slot.... |
November 26, 2001: I think this is the first full-length song I've ever produced.... |
November 21, 2001: I'm an idiot. Sorry.... |
November 7, 2001: I wrote another computer program. kamaileon lets you send emails that appear to be from someone other than you.... |
November 1, 2001: No show tonight.... |
October 30, 2001: bpublish v1.20 has been released!... |
October 24, 2001: This and that...
The "band" will be playing at Curve in SF on November 1, roughly from 9 to midnight.... |
October 17, 2001: Back with another "regulation" mlawg entry.... |
October 10, 2001: The verge of exhaustion is not normally the best place for writing, but I'm going to try it anyway. It's been an interesting day.... |
September 30, 2001: I wrote a computer program. Yeah, I tend to do that occasionally.... |
September 27, 2001: I wrote this months ago. I have no idea why I'm posting it now.... |
September 25, 2001: As might be apparent from previous writings in this space, I have no short supply of admiration for comic artists and others skilled in the visual arts.... |
September 18, 2001: This one has been sitting in my sketchbook for quite some time.... |
September 14, 2001: As I've mentioned before, the past couple years have found me rather directionless.... |
September 12, 2001: Here's something different.... |
September 4, 2001: And Bret said, "Let There Be Farm". And there was Farm.... |
August 19, 2001: Well, I'm in Boston right now.... |
August 9, 2001: So, as a contrast to the last entry, I wanted to make a nice little piano piece.... |
August 1, 2001: This one is pretty messy.... |
July 26, 2001: I was listening to some old mlawg entries, and was unhappy with the acoustical artifacts created by using a low mp3 bitrate.... |
July 23, 2001: This is more of a "concept piece", I guess.... |
July 19, 2001: And here's one for this morning.... |
July 17, 2001: Oh, hello.... |
June 1, 2001: I don't know whether to remove the pictures of Joanne from this website. On one hand...... |
May 28, 2001: That's it. All done.... |
May 21, 2001: I don't think I would make a very good caveman. I'm not sure how the set of genes floating around inside me right now ever made it past the Neanderthal period.... |
May 14, 2001: Brian recently warned me that the Berkeley EE profs have no sense of humor. Turns out he was right.... |
May 11, 2001: More sentimental crap.... |
May 10, 2001: This is the sort of thing that I normally play to amuse myself.... |
May 9, 2001: I was going to say that I had nothing to write about today, but I just realized that's not true. I have something very important to write about.... |
May 7, 2001: I really don't feel like writing today.... |
May 3, 2001: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I'm done!!!!!... |
April 22, 2001: My eyes hurt. They hurt because I've been spending countless hours staring at teeeeeny little letters on my computer screen.... |
April 18, 2001: Just a quick note. I've been writing all day today.... |
April 17, 2001: Write, write, write. No time to blawg.... |
April 12, 2001: This morning, instead of going to bed, I went to school.... |
April 11, 2001: Not much blawg, not much to write about. Life has been humming and drumming along.... |
April 8, 2001: Cheerful non-junk!... |
April 7, 2001: Move along. Nothing to see here.... |
April 6, 2001: I've never tried going two nights in a row without sleep. This might be my chance.... |
April 5, 2001: More cheerful junk.... |
April 4, 2001: So. About that entry from a few days ago.... |
April 3, 2001: Yeah, there was something I wanted to write about today, but I ended up spending the entire day working on that paper.... |
April 2, 2001: I got gigs. Lots of gigs.... |
April 1, 2001: Another one that I'm actually proud of.... |
March 31, 2001: The memories are fading fast. Like a candy which melts away in your mouth, leaving only an icky residue and a faint taste when you burp.... |
March 29, 2001: Today, what I lack in talent, I make up for with brevity!... |
March 28, 2001: I'm sorry.... |
March 26, 2001: I have nothing to write about today. I'm just wasting time until the mouse dies.... |
March 23, 2001: I'm in a strangely good mood right now. I think I'm just really happy with tonight's mlawg entry.... |
March 22, 2001: Some fun stuff today.... |
March 21, 2001: Nothing special...... |
March 20, 2001: I remember reading some author's account of his first breakup.... |
March 19, 2001: I watched Rushmore again last night, and it left me with a powerful feeling, as some movies tend to do.... |
March 17, 2001: In the proud spirit of self-improvement through public humiliation, I'm about to embark on something gutsy. At least, I sure hope I am.... |
March 14, 2001: That's the problem with the inevitable. No matter how long you put it off, it always ends up happening.... |
March 12, 2001: So, I haven't written in a while. Sorry to disappoint my loyal readers.... |
March 7, 2001: A Berkeley EE professor, apparently in preparation for retirement or suicide, announced that he was donating his entire engineering library to the students.... |
March 6, 2001: Sex and violence. Both are considered sinful in some way, and both have an inherent fascination.... |
March 3, 2001: Okay... what the hell is going on here?... |
February 28, 2001: I'm quite proud of myself today. I can walk.... |
February 26, 2001: Another sleepless night last night. But instead of wasting my time with comics, as I have been doing, I felt the urge to make something.... |
February 23, 2001: Hey, it's Friday. I guess I should write something here.... |
February 19, 2001: Today, I lost my best friend.... |
February 18, 2001: Three day weekend! No school tomorrow!... |
February 16, 2001: No work today. Instead, I decided to indulge my current comics obsession, and I made this.... |
February 15, 2001: I'm almost on track to being "normal". I did "work" during the day, and was a leech on society at night.... |
February 12, 2001: What did I do today? I played some rock n' roll, and read online comics.... |
February 10, 2001: I should have known better. I was already in a rather bad mood, and I went ahead and did it anyway.... |
February 8, 2001: I saw my brain today. And I don't mean in the metaphorical sense.... |
February 7, 2001: What a day. What a busy, stupid day.... |
February 6, 2001: Ugh. Blighter's rock.... |
February 4, 2001: My thumb is mutating. Maybe I'll call it X-Thumb and it can have its own comic book.... |
February 3, 2001: Finally finished that Chaos book. That was the most painful reading I've done in a long time.... |
February 2, 2001: Maybe I should be a fanboy. An otaku.... |
February 1, 2001: Spent tonight looking at artist sites again. A sure way to make myself feel amazed and depressed at the same time.... |
January 31, 2001: It's done! I said I'd finish the site by February 1, and I made good.... |