2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - headers
@hamishtodd1 Of course, almost everyone I linked to is either over 60 or dead.
I actually didn't realize this until now. Only @terrycavanagh is under 60. I guess this is my "60 over 60" list.
60 OVER 60 DISRUPTORS INNOVATORS impatient to CHANGE THE WORLD with 40 years of careful thought & lasting contributions
Uncle Tukey in 1973, using interactive rotation to see the shape of high-dimensional data. Magic. youtube.com/watch?v=B7XoW2… via @AmeliaMN
Do you have an example of a tweet (just a 140 char standalone thought, no links or refs) that significantly changed your way of thinking?
sometimes I start to make things like this, and then I think "what's the point", and then I think why am i even worrydream.com/MeanwhileAtCod…
@ddmeyer The effect of pencil-and-paper programmers outperforming programmers-at-a-computer is no doubt real, and...
The effect of pencil-and-paper programmers outperforming programmers-at-a-computer is no doubt real, and important to think about. I think there are more subtle things going on than just “tools make you weak”.
Paradoxically, I think pencil-and-paper programming brings you closer to, not further from, the program, because it forces you to have a clear picture in your head of what the program is doing. In our current form of programming-at-a-computer, you can get away with “messing around until it appears to work”, while the picture in your head stays fuzzy. Of course the person with a clearer understanding will be more effective!
But the solution is not to throw out tools entirely, but to specifically and carefully design tools that enable and support and enhance that clear mental picture, to bring the programmer closer, not further. “Learnable Programming” describes a starting point for some techniques that may do that.
The second subtle point is selection bias, that the pencil-and-paper programmers appear strong because they are thetiny fraction of people in the world who are capable enough to do it. I believe that with good tools and ways-of-thinking, orders of magnitude more people will be able to outperform the pencil-and-paper programmers. (And the very capable people themselves will be able to take on projects with orders of magnitude more complexity.)
From David Hestenes's “Modeling Games” paper: “We marvel at the ingenuity of Newton's mathematical arguments, in part, because his methods were so unwieldy that no one since has fully mastered them. Before anyone could improve on Newton's performance, the world had to wait half a century for the development of better mathematical tools and techniques, primarily by Euler.”
"Enactive = confidently manipulable. Iconic = having a sense or image of. Symbolic = having an articulation of." worrydream.com/refs/Mason…
The Double Fine documentary could be this generation's "Soul of a New Machine". youtube.com/playlist…
Maxwell, Gibbs, and Faraday thought with geometric visual imagery. bit.ly/1dYLJHr Also, clay. bit.ly/1kN3amN (via @Glench)
I'm pretty sure I spotted this on TechCrunch. worrydream.com/akljfdsiuewqjk…
Why is People magazine in the engineering library? worrydream.com/oatmeal/watson.jpg
Just reading along...
Wait, what's a “watson transformation”??
Two interactive explanations of a 2d visibility algorithm: redblobgames.com/articles/visib… and ncase.github.io/sight-and-ligh…
Cmd-shift-3 captures a screenshot, but I forgot, what's the key combo to capture the state of the entire system so I can send it to someone?
Also, I like that "continuous undo" thing (hold key + use scrollwheel to rewind/scrub the system state) but I forgot the key for that too?
A conversation with Doug Engelbart, Alan Kay, Ted Nelson, and Tim Berners-Lee. worrydream.com/refs/Vannevar…
"What ideas are convenient to express inevitably become the important content of a culture." bit.ly/1i3BtA3
is an argument that fixes its attention on the forms of human conversation, and postulates that how we are obliged to conduct such conversations will have the strongest possible influence on what ideas we can conveniently express. And what ideas are convenient to express inevitably become the impor tant content of a culture.
I use the word “conversation” metaphorically to refer not only to speech but to all techniques and technologies that permit people of a particular culture to exchange messages. In this sense, all culture is a conversation or, more precisely, a corporation of conversations, conducted in a variety of symbolic modes. Our attention here is on how forms of public discourse regulate and even dictate what kind of content can issue from such forms.
"what look like novel ideas from a distance..." peripateticaxiom.blogspot.com/2008/01/resear…
One of the learnings from Impact is that what look like novel ideas from a distance in general turn out, upon closer inspection, to have emerged from a general cloud of research ideas that were knocking around at the time. The techniques used in the Impact studies have
Edward Tufte, Mike Bostock, Jonathan Corum, and I will be co-teaching a one-day course on May 6 in San Jose. edwardtufte.com/tufte/course_a…
Turns out that shouting at the entire world is optional.
Alan's advice for avoiding getting trapped inside your own head: fall in love with someone.
#tech #techindustry #wearables
When the 5,000-year-old mummified corpse of a fully equipped Neolithic man turned up in a melting glacier high in the Tyrolean Alps in 1991, the variety and sophistication of his equipment was astonishing... Dressed in furs under a woven grass cloak, equipped with a stone dagger with an ash-wood handle, a copper axe, a yew-wood bow, a quiver and fourteen cornus-wood arrows, he also carried a tinder fungus for lighting fires, two birch-bark containers, one of which contained some embers of his most recent fire, insulated by maple leaves, a hazel-wood pannier, a bone awl, stone drills and scrapers, a lime-wood-and-antler retoucheur for fine stone sharpening, an antibiotic birch fungus as a medicine kit and various spare parts. His copper axe was cast and hammered sharp in a way that is extremely difficult to achieve even with modern metallurgical knowledge. It was fixed with millimetre precision into a yew haft that was shaped to obtain mechanically ideal ratios of leverage.
This was a technological age. People lived their lives steeped in technology. They know how to work leather, wood, bark, fungi, copper, stone, bone and grass into weapons, clothes, ropes, pouches, needles, glues, containers and ornaments. Arguably, the unlucky mummy had more different kinds of equipment on him than the hiker couple who found him. Archaeologists believe he probably relied upon specialists for the manufacture of much of his equipment, and perhaps also for the tattoos that had been applied to his arthritic joints.
Matt Ridley. The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation, p 48
When people call online services "tech companies", I wonder if they consider Wall St Journal, Hallmark, and Charmin to be "paper companies".
Can you imagine a journalist, Hallmark writer, and Charmin designer all going to the same "paper conferences", because they all "work in paper"?
As an electrical engineer I used to be astounded that people working on missiles and thermostats considered themselves in the same profession
... went to the same conferences, read the same journals, etc. They defined themselves by their tools, not by their effect on the world.
yo mama so short, yo craft so long to lerne
Tufte sees me and @mbostock, walks toward us with a delighted grin. His first words are "You're both so young!"
@EdwardTufte: Bret Victor, Mike Bostock, ET, Jonathan Corum: rehearsal for course Seeing,Thinking,Designing,Producing #dataviz #ddj
A man said to Bret:
“Sir, I'm a fan!”
“However,” replied Bret,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”
"You can't think about representations without thinking about representations of something." @aresnick channeling papert
Legible Mathematics: Sketches of an interactive arithmetic for programming. glench.com/LegibleMathema… (by @glench)
"I'm here to teach you, not entertain you"
"What's wrong with doing both?"
"What's wrong is you judge the teaching by how entertaining it is
"Our tools increasingly do things to us, not for us. There’s a big difference between becoming a citizen and becoming a ward." thesprouts.org/blog/how-children-what
Wait, is The Last Psychiatrist actually this generation's Neil Postman? Is this a "hero Gotham deserved" situation?
How times change.
I wonder if people actually enjoy twitter, or if it's mostly "alcohol for loneliness" -- numbing the problem while making it deeper
Every time you hear someone mention "storytelling", esp. in a journalistic or educational context, go reread this: worrydream.com/refs/Kay…
And if the "different ways of understanding the world" bit interests you, see Egan's wonderful en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Educa…
The Educated Mind
How Cognitive Tools Shape Our Understanding
Kieran Egan
Part One
1 Three Old Ideas and a New One 9
2 Mythic Understanding 33
3 Romantic Understanding 71
4 Philosophic Understanding 104
5 Ironic Understanding and Somatic Understanding 137
6 Some Questions and Answers 172
★ Seeing Spaces. A talk about a new kind of maker space. (15 min) vimeo.com/97903574
btw, the "explode-the-knob" sweep in Seeing Spaces came out of "Interactive Exploration of a Dynamical System". vimeo.com/23839605
@arsatiki: There's a lot in common between your descriptions of tinkering and science. Mapping the unknown, figuring how "it" works.
@arsatiki Tinkering is finding something that appears to work. Science is finding and articulating why it works. Different focuses.
60% of my fav links from 10 yrs ago are 404. I wonder if Library of Congress expects 60% of their collection to go up in smoke every decade.
How can you call the web a publishing medium when your bookshelf can just vanish? URLs and HTTP are a disaster. Doesn't have to be this way.
c went ahead and completed the permutations. All set for that DARPA bid now.
Is it time for a "brief rant on the fucking oculus rift"? Does it matter? Can you stop the tide? (Maybe: Jerome Bruner killed behaviorism!)
Jerome Bruner: people are more than stimulus-response, they have minds!
Bret: people are more than optic nerves, they have bodies!
Led a discussion at foo camp. No consensus.
Does anyone else think that Oculus Rift is going to fuck up humanity?
Is this the future we want?
Bret Victor
you laugh because you've forgotten how to cry
Ian Bogost @ibogost, May 12: If Antarctica wanted ice sheets, it would have developed a marketable
value proposition for them!
behind the times / ahead of its time / not of its time / timeless
When you hear the bandwagon coming, get off the road.
"Okay, so, there's a lot of unlearning that needs to happen before you can begin to understand what I'm trying to say."
media for unlearning the unlearnable
"Polynesian Teeth Syndrome": inventing new technology to solve problems created by new technology (coined by @glench)
A book review from the Whole Earth Catalog, suggesting dental care is only necessary because of the Western diet.
Free-To-Play Twitter. Tweets can be any length; each character over 50 costs one TweetPoint. You get 200 free points each day! (You can buy more)
look on my Series B, ye Mighty, and despair
"Of the earth": rooted in contemporary practices, thought patterns, concerns, culture.
"Of the sky": perpetually-meaningful, transcendent.
The thing to ponder is not that Maxwell sculpted physical models, but that his models were forgotten while the symbolic formalism lived on.
@aresnick: things to think with sell and spread better than byproducts of processes that have been thought with
related: packaged products sell better than parts kits
@aresnick: which gives us the gym club model of intellectual work: buy this kit and have the brain you always wanted!
★ The "Seeing Spaces" talk, redesigned as a 5-foot wall-poster comic thing. worrydream.com/SeeingSpaces

1960s: AI vs IA.
2010s: Virtual Reality vs Dynamic Reality

"Magic Ink" = AI
"Media for Thinking the Unthinkable" = IA
"Ladder of Abstraction" is entirely about *seeing things in context*. Bizarrely, the word "context" is never used. worrydream.com/LadderOfAbstraction
... On the other hand, the word "context" appears 95 times in "Magic Ink". So, semantic satiation, maybe? worrydream.com/MagicInk
Becoming painfully aware of the implicit structures -- "the old ways" -- constraining my imagination...
... Frustrated by feeling an enormous far-away potential, but finding that my concrete ideas are assembled out of the crap lying around me..
... I see the flicker of a distant campfire, but I try to get there by building another story onto my skyscraper.
Iconic example from diSessa of how representations -- the marks we see and manipulate -- determine what we can think. worrydream.com/oatmeal/changing-minds.jpg
@juanbenet: tools (technology) augment physical + conceptual ability and thus speed up evolution of knowledge (science).
@juanbenet But most people still don't recognize *notation* as a technology.
Eyes on the Prize: a beautifully-done "active video". Watch+read+browse+explore. glench.com/EyesOnThePrize by @glench
Global warming used to be my primary source of existential despair. Now it's the inevitability of VR.
Global warming will make the world uninhabitable. VR will make the world irrelevant.
Who cares if the sea levels rise, there's plenty of room in cyberspace
What an unexpectedly harmonious pairing. worrydream.com/oatmeal/hutchins‑maslow.png
Edwin Hutchins: Cognition in the Wild, p 367
The definition of cognition has been unhooked from interaction with the world.
Research on games and puzzles has produced some interesting insights, but the
results may be of limited generality. The tasks typically chosen for laboratory
studies are novel ones that are regarded by subjects as challenging or difficult.
D'Andrade has likened the typical laboratory cognitive tasks to feats of athletic
prowess. If we want to know about walking, studying people jumping as high as
they can may not be the best approach.
Such tasks are unrepresentative in another sense as well. The evolution of the
material means of thought is an important component of culturally elaborated
tasks. It permits a task that would otherwise be difficult to be re-coded and re-
represented in a form in which it is easy to see the answer. This sort of development
of material means is intentionally prohibited in puzzle tasks because to allow this
sort of evolution would destroy the puzzling aspects of the puzzle. Puzzles are
tasks that are preserved in the culture because they are challenging. If the
performance mattered, we would learn to re-represent them in a way that
removed the challenge. That would also remove their value as puzzles, of course.
The point is that the tasks that are 'typical' in laboratory studies of thought are
drawn from a special category of cultural materials that have been isolated from the
cognitive processes of the larger cultural system. This makes these tasks especially
unrepresentative of human cognition.
A. H. Maslow: A Theory of Human Motivation
Emergency conditions are, almost by definition, rare in the normally functioning
peaceful society. That this truism can be forgotten is due mainly to two reasons.
First, rats have few motivations other than physiological ones, and since so much of
the research upon motivation has been made with these animals, it is easy to carry
the rat-picture over to the human being. Secondly, it is too often not realized that
culture itself is an adaptive tool, one of whose main functions is to make the
physiological emergencies come less and less often. In most of the known societies,
chronic extreme hunger of the emergency type is rare, rather than common. In any
case, this is still true in the United States. The average American citizen is
experiencing appetite rather than hunger when he says 'I am hungry.' He is apt to
experience sheer life-and-death hunger only by accident and then only a few times
through his entire life.
Obviously a good way to obscure the 'higher' motivations, and to get a lopsided
view of human capacities and human nature, is to make the organism extremely
and chronically hungry or thirsty. Anyone who attempts to make an emergency
picture into a typical one, and who will measure all of man's goals and desires by
his behavior during extreme physiological deprivation is certainly being blind to
many things. It is quite true that man lives by bread alone - when there is no
bread. But what happens to man's desires when there is plenty of bread and when
his belly is chronically filled?
At once other (and 'higher') needs emerge and these, rather than physiological
hungers, dominate the organism. And when these in turn are satisfied, again new
(and still 'higher') needs emerge and so on. This is what we mean by saying that the
basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency.
In today's edition of "fears I keep to myself" -- a juxtaposition.
History of Hawaii
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On January 18, 1778 British Captain James Cook and his crew, while attempting to discover the Northwest Passage between Alaska and Asia, encountered the islands, surprised to find anything so far north in the Pacific. He named them the 'Sandwich Islands' after the fourth Earl of Sandwich. Members of this expedition described the population of the islands as abundant, handsome and healthy. Unfortunately the British brought many new infectious diseases to the islands, in particular tuberculosis and venereal diseases that quickly propagated through the locals.
In 1786, seven years after Cook, a French frigate arrived in Hawaii and reported that most of the islanders were very sick. By 1832 only 130,000 remained.

Mark Zuckerberg
Yesterday at 6:37am
Today I visited the village of Chandauli in northern India. It's a small, very rural community about 150 miles from Delhi.
Earlier this year Chandauli got connected to the internet. Now, hundreds of people - from school children to seniors - are learning how to use the internet to find information, access government services and connect with their friends and loved ones.
Seeing first hand how people here are using the internet was an incredible experience. One day, if we can connect every village, we can transform many more lives and improve the world for all of us. Chandauli is just the start.
Seeing hand-lettering among the fonts, hearing true harmony among the equal temperament, making what you need among the manufactured goods.
If you're not at the right place at the right time, you've got to make the right place and make it the right time.
uber for renewal of purpose
Tubular bells! Kettledrums!
How are we going to sell the Home Computer?
Well if you want to sell computers, let me tell you what to do:
You've got to talk to the housewives, and the children, too;
No one wants to program, they want something they can view...
It's got to offer fun, and it's got to offer truth;
It's got to give you something that'll lift you from the booth;
It's got to be uplifting to the Lady from Duluth.
You've got to have a vision; you've got to have an angle;
You should maybe sing a jingle (in a way that doesn't jangle);
It's got to have a tingle, in a way their minds can't tangle--
So continuing under our guidance inertial,
It's got everything to give.
It'll get you where you live.
Realms of mind that you may roam:
Grasp them all within your home.
The greatest things you've ever seen
Dance your wishes on the screen.
All the things that man has known
Comin' on the telephone--
Poems, booKs and pictures too
I always assumed it was a joke made over beer, taken way out of context. Turns out some reporter just made it up.
of its notorious Shakey project. Shakey was the world's first mobile robot, an ARPA-funded box on wheels that was designed to roll around the halls and stack blocks on top of one another. What made it notorious was an article in Life magazine, a sensationalistic report that billed it as “the first electronic person... a machine with a mind of its own.” In fact, it was all Shakey could do to keep from running into walls. But that didn't deter the reporter, who imagined a computer take-over in the not-too-distant future and quoted MIT's Marvin Minsky as saying, “If we're lucky, they might decide to keep us as pets”—a remark Minsky has denied ever making.
Just found out Jack Goody wrote "Domestication of the Savage Mind" at age 58. His most recent book was at age 91. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Goody
... Jerome Bruner did "Man: A Course of Study" at age 50. His most recent book was at age 88. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_Br…
"You'll notice it's gone basically to zero." Please watch this important talk by @DanielleFong nantucketproject.com/danielle_fong_…
@sama: just tried a product to sign a document via a private key and a blockchain. felt like the future, especially when i went back to paper sigs.
@sama Good Future: everyone entirely understands what's happening when they sign, why it's secure. Bad Future: blind trust in voodoo-magic.
@sama (This is not really about education. This is about forms in which the system is represented, and transparency of implementation.)
Couldn't help but notice this sad irony.

E. T. Jaynes
Department of Physics. Washington University,
St. Louis, Missouri 63130 USA.
In Marimum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (1992)
It was therefore a shock to discover that in the first Section of his earlier work (which must have been written by mid-1874 at the latest), Gibbs displays a full understanding of this problem, and disposes of it without a trace of that confusion over the “meaning of entropy” or “operational distinguishability of particles” on which later writers have stumbled. He goes straight to the heart of the matter as a simple technical detail, easily understood as soon as one has grasped the full meanings of the words “state” and “reversible” as they are used in thermodynamics. In short, quantum theory did not resolve any paradox, because there was no paradox.
Why did Gibbs fail to give this explanation in his Statistical Mechanies? We are inclined to see in this further support for our contention (Jaynes, 1967) that this work was never finished. In reading Gibbs, it is important to distinguish between early and late Gibbs. His Heterogeneous Equilibrium of 1875-78 is the work of a man at the absolute peak of his intellectual powers; no logical subtlety escapes him and we can find no statement that appears technically incorrect today. In contrast, his Statistical Mechanics of 1902 is the work of an old man in rapidly failing health, with only one more year to live. Inevitably, some arguments are left imperfect and incomplete toward the end of the work.

Probability Theory
The Logic of Science
E.T. Jaynes died April 30, 1998. Before his death he asked me to finish and publish his book on probability theory. I struggled with this for some time, because there is no doubt in my mind that Jaynes wanted this book finished. Unfortunately, most of the later Chapters, Jaynes' intended volume 2 on applications, were either missing or incomplete and some of the early also Chapters had missing pieces. I could have written these latter Chapters and filled the missing pieces, but if I did so, the work would no longer belong to Jaynes; rather, it would be a Jaynes-Bretthorst hybrid with no way to tell which material came from which author. In the end, I decided that the missing Chapters would have to stay missing—the work would remain Jaynes'.
There were a number of missing pieces of varying length that Jaynes had marked by inserting the phrase “MUCH MORE COMING.” I could have left these comments in the text, but they were ugly and they made the book looks very incomplete. Jaynes intended this book to serve as both a reference and a text book. Consequently, there are question boxes scattered throughout most Chapters. In the end, I decided to replace the “MUCH MORE COMING” comments by introducing an “editors” question box. If you answer these questions, you will have filled in the missing material. You will be able to identify these questions because I used a shaded box for the editors questions, while Jaynes' question boxes are not shaded.
I've decided that despair is not useful, and I'm not going to do it anymore.
Heh. So many representations yet undiscovered, which will seem "obvious" to future generations worrydream.com/refs/Goody…
and unambiguously expanded. Phonetic systems are therefore adapted to expressing every nuance of individual thought, to recording personal reactions as well as items of major social importance. Non-phonetic writing, on the other hand, tends rather to record and reify only those items in the cultural repertoire which the literate specialists have selected for written expression; and it tends to express the collective attitude towards them.
The notion of representing a sound by a graphic symbol is itself so stupefying a leap of the imagination that what is remarkable is not so much that it happened relatively late in human history, but rather that it ever happened at all. For a long time, however, these phonetic inventions had a limited effect because they were only partially exploited: not only were logograms and pictograms retained, but a variety of phonograms were used to express the same sound. The full explicitness and economy of a phonetic writing system “as easy as A B C” was therefore likely to arise only in less advanced societies on the fringes of Egypt or Mesopotamia, societies which were starting their writing system more or less from scratch, and which took over the idea of phonetic signs from adjoining countries, and used them exclusively to fit their own language. These phonetic signs could, of course, be used to stand
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We appear to be lacking consensus on the quantity of cultures.
The Three Cultures
SNOW The Two Cultures
Jay A. Labinger Harry Collins
the one culture?
(inspired by @DanielleFong)
@davidad @DanielleFong In my experience, it often seems to go more like this. worrydream.com/oatmeal/you-see-an-idea.png
@DanielleFong: ok, for your benefit, the whole thing is supposed to be a joke, but thank you for your criticism!
The correct form of pessimism is not "that'll never work" but "what are the negative consequences when it does work?" bothsidesofthetable.com/2014/11/05/the…
Federated Wiki is one of the most important projects going on right now. Get involved! hapgood.us/2014/11/06/fed…
Has anyone written about iPhone, Google, Facebook, etc. as from the 2040s, looking back on them as retro-computing? medium.com/message/networ…
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they misinterpret you, then they ignore you, then they call you "inventor of the mouse".
Video Digests: a tool for creating browsable skimmable video-pages like "Media for Thinking the Unthinkable". vis.berkeley.edu/videodigests
"Turn-By-Turn Directions as Restoration of the Bicameral Mind"
I wonder if spatial metaphors will start to fail as people lose acquaintance with actually navigating real space.
After all these years, I'm still thrilled when somebody links into an individual paragraph in Magic Ink.
Jake Sandlund @jakesandlund
@holden great article. Are you familiar with this distinction between tools and platforms: worrydream.com/Magiclnk/#p252
(Ted Nelson rolls his eyes, rides away on his transcludacycle.)
artificial intelligence vs intellect augmentation
virtual reality vs dynamic reality
human computation vs individual empowerment
@aresnick: sometimes I wonder whether the hubris that drives us to build those things is just hidden self-loathing
Nah, just good ol' fashioned American ingenuity and can-do spirit!
We Can Do It!
media for effing the ineffable
Someday, BTW, OMG, and WTF might be seen like "N.B.", "e.g.", and "sic" are today -- relics of a more formal era, academic, slightly stuffy.
The first sentence of Maxwell's monumental, world-changing "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism". archive.org/stream/electri…
THE fact that certain bodies, after being rubbed, appear to attract other bodies, was known to the ancients.
Direct manipulation of mathematical functions. This is huge. tobyschachman.com/Shadershop (by @mandy3284)
"It is like opening your ribcage, and letting someone see the little bird you have inside."
The Humane Representation of Thought
a trail map for the 21st century
Bret Victor
October 2014
A note about tomorrow's talk, "The Humane Representation of Thought". worrydream.com/TheHumaneRepre…
★ The Humane Representation of Thought: a trail map for the 21st century. (keynote at UIST and SPLASH, 1 hour) vimeo.com/115154289
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