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spotted a xerox alto in its natural habitat
@ctbeiser: the line between "fun puzzle game with programming elements" and "literally my job" gets thinner every year
@stephtwang: Not sure if I follow. Is it that good/performant Computer Systems will have killed the puzzle aspects in programming, and that it remains a puzzle is a sign we're screwing up? I also sense that, computers aren't well oiled enough to remove the value in a challenge is a good thing
@stephtwang my interpretation is something like: shenzhen i/o is fun/challenging/funny because you're solving trivial tasks using inadequate representations (e.g. asm). For work that "actually matters", the better strategy may be to seek better representations rather than cope with puzzle-solving
@stephtwang at least, hutchins is claiming that the cognitive evolution of culture proceeds in this way (by re-encoding tasks in better representations rather than continuing to puzzle through them). Evolution is a slow gradual process, of course.
babbage's analytical engine comes with two bells (archive.org/details/passagesfromlife03char… )
An excellent friend of mine, the late Professor MacCullagh, of Dublin, was discussing with me, at breakfast, the various powers of the Analytical Engine. After a long conversation on the subject, he inquired what the machine could do if, in the midst of algebraic operations, it was required to perform logarithmic or trigonometric operations.
My answer was, that whenever the Analytical Engine should exist, all the developments of formula would be directed by this condition-that the machine should be able to compute their numerical value in the shortest possible time. I then added that if this answer were not satisfactory. I had provided means by which, with equal accuracy, it might compute by logarithmic or other Tables.
I explained that the Tables to be used must, of course, be computed and punched on cards by the machine, in which case they would undoubtedly be correct. I then added that when the machine wanted a tabular number, say the logarithm of a given number, that it would ring a bell and then stop itself. On this, the attendant would look at a certain part of the machine, and find that it wanted the logarithm of a given number, say of 2303. The attendant would then go to the drawer containing the pasteboard cards representing its table of logarithms. From amongst these he would take the required logarithmic card, and place it in the machine. Upon this the engine would first ascertain whether the assistant had or had not given him the correct logarithm of the number; if so, it would use it and continue its work. But if the engine found the attendant had given him a wrong logarithm, it would then ring a louder bell, and stop itself. On the attendant again examining the engine, he would observe the words, “Wrong tabular number,” and then discover that he really had given the wrong logarithm, and of course he would have to replace it by the right one.
@nagle5000: from later in the email, do you know what "Tom Paine's argument against monarchy and for democracy by using stained glass windows!" refers to?
@nagle5000 it's a common Alan trope, referencing McLuhan (e.g. vpri.org/pdf/future_of_… )
Different representations for the “same idea” hold just parts of the idea, and condition the “reading” of the idea. For example, reading news in prose, poetry, and from a television set are very different experiences. Marshall McLuhan proclaimed that “You can argue about many things with stained glass windows, but Democracy is not one of them!” He meant both stained glass windows and television (our modern less beautiful equivalent).
FLEX machine, 1968
Smalltalks, 1971-1979
NoteTaker, 1978
Vivarium, 1986-1993
Playground, 1988-1992
Squeak, 1996-
Etoys, 1997-
Croquet, 2003-2007
STEPS, 2006-2012
CDG/HARC, 2013-2017
Tutor, 2016-
(architecture machine group, ~1976)
No, if that money had needed to come from venture capitalists, the project never would have happened.
The launch of ARPANET didn't have the same dramatic impact as the Sputnik launch twelve years earlier. By the late sixties, American attention had shifted to transformational issues like the Vietnam War, the sexual revolution, and Black Power. So, in late 1969, nobody-with the exception of a few unfashionable geeks in the military-industrial complex-cared much about two 900-pound computers miscommunicating with each other.
But the achievement of Bob Taylor and his engineering team cannot be underestimated. More than Sputnik and the wasteful space race, the successful building of ARPANET would change the world. It was one of the smartest million dollars ever invested. Had that money come from venture capitalists, it would have returned many billions of dollars to its original investors.
In his later life, Bob Taylor was once accused of rosy retrospection with regards to the research environment in the 60s and 70s. Bob thought for a couple minutes, and finally declared, "No, god dammit, it *was* a golden age."
understanding engelbart
The essential character of oil painting has been obscured by an almost universal misreading of the relationship between its 'tradition' and its 'masters'. Certain exceptional artists in exceptional circumstances broke free of the norms of the tradition and produced work that was diametrically opposed to its values; yet these artists are acclaimed as the tradition's supreme representatives: a claim which is made easier by the fact that after their death, the tradition closed around their work, incorporating minor technical innovations, and continuing as though nothing of principle had been disturbed. This is why Rembrandt or Vermeer or Poussin or Chardin or Goya or Turner had no followers but only superficial imitators.
on documenting dynamicland
A note on the illustrations
NOTE: For many years Robert Irwin forbade photographic reproduction of his paintings. An early intuition in this regard hardened into an absolute conviction during the time he was creating his line, dot, and disc paintings. As will be seen in the text that follows, Irwin felt that a photograph would capture none of what the painting was about and everything that it was not about. That is, a photograph could convey image but not presence. Furthermore, many of the works of Irwin's middle years, particularly the late lines and the dot paintings, are virtually unreproducible: not even the “image” of the original, as it were, finds its way to the contact sheet. Therefore this book includes no photographs of Irwin's work from 1957 through 1969.
James Clerk Maxwell wrote the Encyclopedia Britannica entry for "Diagram". It contains two diagrams.
At my first job, I remember protesting that a certain fashionable industrial design decision would look ridiculous in ten years. My boss responded, "We're not selling this product in ten years. We're selling it now." I learned something about myself that day.
Seventy years ago when the fraternity of physicists was smaller than the audience at a weekly physics colloquium in a major university, a J. Willard Gibbs could, after ten years of thought, summarize his ideas on a subject in a few monumental papers or in a classic treatise. His competition did not intimidate him into a muddled correspondence with his favorite editor nor did it occur to his colleagues that their own progress was retarded by hisleisurely publication schedule.
@tophtucker: how many dream teams are there on earth? sort of a nice thought!
@tophtucker total number of dreams divided by average size team per dream
@tophtucker: Since the timeline can’t show silence, the more everyone “holds their tongue” (speaking only when they really *gotta*), the more extreme the timeline becomes, yielding a cacophony made up entirely of the negative space of restraint
@tophtucker By the way, have you read much along this thread (that I just made up)? I think you might be into it. I'm thinking of Ong in particular (or at least as a starting point).
Orality → Literacy thread
Milman Perry, Albert Lord, Eric Havelock, Marshall McLuhan, Jack Goody, Walter Ong, Elizabeth Eisenstein, Keiran Egan
Carver's wonderful whirlwind history of how people learned to move electrons around youtube.com/watch?v=m99YI7…
radiation pressure @dynamicland1
(This was three lines of code. You could have made it yourself.)
-- Laser draggle
When /bot/ is a “dragglebot”, /arena/ is a “arena”, /arena/ contains laser dot /dot/:
    Wish (bot) has head position (dot).
    Wish (bot) has head active (1).
@byedit: I'm looking for material in (1) psychology, & (2) linguistics that connects to early HCI work (Engelbart theory of augmentation, Kay). e.g. innateness, learning, universality, communication, co-op
@byedit In Early History of Smalltalk, Kay mentions Piaget, Bruner, Montessori, Dewey, Holt, Suzuki, Arnheim, McLuhan, others. worrydream.com/EarlyHistoryOfSmalltalk

Later: Betty Edwards, Doreen Nelson, Tim Gallwey, Koestler, (even later) Kahneman... (Some pointers here: squeakland.org/resources/books/readingList.jsp)
@pwang: I would like a programming language that lets us talk about data and data transformations.
@pwang This is a interesting exchange between (pro-data) Rich Hickey and (pro-meaning) Alan Kay: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=119416…
(FWIW, after Rich concedes that most data requires "sufficient formatting and metadata" and "some human involvement for interpretation", Alan could have added, "For a scalable (intergalactic) system, that "metadata" must be a *process*, because human involvement doesn't scale.")
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