@DynamicWebPaige@mbostock 1200, now that was a nice laid-back baud rate, watching the characters flow in while sipping lemonade on a lazy summer afternoon
New @Dynamicland1 website coming in a few days. (I personally like the current site, but apparently it's not "responsive" on "mobile". dynamicland.org )
As Kay himself has said so many times, this question is entirely about funding. With ARPA/IPTO-style funding, you get Kays (and Engelbarts, Minskys, McCarthys, Corbatós, etc) With VC and NSF, you don't.
Even Kay hasn't been able to "be Kay" since the 80s: worrydream.com/2017-12-30-alantwitter.com/smdiehl/status…
@ciyer@Jonathan_Blow Alan's point is that that style of funding creates a research culture, and that culture is what's necessary. Self wasn't part of a larger movement in the way that personal computng, time-sharing, AI, and the internet were.