Telephobia: My ideal home would be connected to the outside world only through the internet, the mailbox, and the front door. No television, no radio, and no telephone. |
Job Search: "Did you TRY to look for work this week?" |
Absolut Value: Sure, this concept has been beaten into the ground, but I haven't yet seen one quite like this one. (Note: Perfect height for desktop wallpaper!) |
clothing: Despite their ubiquitous presence in trendy ads, grainy black-and-white photographs of brooding models have never inspired me to go buy clothing. This ad more effectively appeals to my real motivation for purchasing clothes. |
Thank You!: Many people draw up elaborate "thank you" art when their hit counters reach large round numbers. I don't have a hit counter and can't draw, but I estimated my traffic and tried anyway. |
Baka: Silly otaku humor. If you don't get it, you haven't met enough anime fans and/or vegetarians. |
Farmer Bob: When Farmer Bob enters the chatroom, you better be ready to talk about tractors, 'cause that's what Farmer Bob is gonna talk about. |
Alternate Homepage: I was browsing through some of the beautiful, well-designed creations with which people have graced the world wide web (mostly through geocities), and I was inspired to create this page as some sort of homage to them. |
Notes: As I was going through some of my old school papers, I found this excellent example of why I don't usually take notes in class. |
Caltech Girl: There aren't too many women at Caltech, and those that are tend be a special sort. Ben Williamson and I decided to write a song in honor of their unique qualities. You can read the lyrics or the music video script. |
Relationships at Caltech: A brief look at the advantages and disadvantages of Caltech romance. |
Life on the Farm: A classic. Rural entertainment doesn't get any better than this. Come toss a few veggies at the critters, and when you get tired of that, draw up some new critters and veggies for all of us to enjoy! Yee-haw! |
Let's Play Squash: Very late one night, I felt the need to vent some anger. Come view the Java-based result of my virtual homicidal tendencies. |
Amusing Picture Collection: Not strictly something that I created, but just assorted pictures I've found that have amused me. |