I'll look back on all this childishness with shame and
embarrassment. I hope that day is a long ways off.
this website?
folks believe that everyone has something to offer the world. I'm
not yet convinced of that, but I do think that those who can
offer something, really should. Especially since the
web makes it so incredibly easy.
is no medium better suited to individual sharing than the
internet. Throughout my own web-based wanderings, I've relied up shared
software and information, laughed at shared humor, marveled at shared
artistry of all kinds, and dived into shared lives, emerging with respect
and fascination and love for those who have offered the world something
beautiful. I am immeasurably grateful for these experiences. Thus, this
is my small contribution to the global community; this is my reciprocation
for what I have consumed. This is what I can offer.
the flip side of the coin, you might claim this to be a narcissistic
self-monument, marked as my online territory via a thorough stream of
digital urine; a place to thump my virtual chest and showcase my dirty
laundry with the sort of appallingly improper lack of reticence that
would give Ms. Manners an aneurysm. Yes, you could claim that, but that
would be mean.
on this website?
bulk of the website lies on the
create side, an
increasingly sprawling heap of personal creations that I either thought
were worthy of sharing with the world or necessary to fill up space.
The remainder, here on the
else side, contains contact
info, pictures, links, and your other traditional website side
dishes. Returning visitors
(derisive snort)
will want to stop by the
Current Events
page, which houses various useless but quite up-to-date information,
as well the updates
page and blawg. The
former describes the latest hodges to be lovingly grafted onto this
podge; the latter is where I foist the intimate details of my life onto an
anonymous worldwide audience, and usually attempt to make it at least
somewhat interesting.
behind this website?
did not hand-write all the HTML on this site. I did, however,
hand-write all the software to write the HTML for me.
was born along with this current site design in February 2001, and since
then has grown and expanded and blossomed and flourished into an all-purpose
content generation tool that eliminates the tedium of writing HTML
without sacrificing the control. Imagine Gutenberg's printing press
versus the laborious transcriptions of monastic scribes, minus the whole
"technological revolution" bit. I'll unabashedly admit that I absolutely
love working with bpublish. If you are intrigued,
check it out
for yourself. It's free, fairly easy to use (if you know Perl), and comes
complete with a user manual that is longer than the program code itself.
the statistically curious, this site consists of 284 individual HTML
files, generated from 24 bpublish files. There are also 601 image files,
mostly taken from six or so big fat Photoshop files. The website will
work at any resolution, but at least 800x600 is needed to see everything.
There are no stylesheets, JavaScript 1.2, or anything else modern and
scary, so the site will look fine even in Netscape 3. There is no hit
counter or tracker of any kind, since that would just be depressing. Ditto
for a guestbook.
a different sense, what's behind the website is me. This
site represents my life, my work, and who I think I am right
now. I would love to hear what you think of it. Please, send me
e-mail. My inbox cries out with
a terrifying emptiness that only you can fill.
Only you.