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spotted a xerox alto in its natural habitat

@stephtwang @ctbeiser @nwilliams030 my interpretation is something like: shenzhen i/o is fun/challenging/funny because you're solving trivial tasks using inadequate representations (eg asm). For work that "actually matters", better strategy may be to seek better representations rather than cope with puzzle-solving
@stephtwang @ctbeiser @nwilliams030 at least, hutchins is claiming that the cognitive evolution of culture proceeds in this way (by re-encoding tasks in better representations rather than continuing to puzzle through them). Evolution is a slow gradual process, of course.

@wcrichton @stevekrouse @rsnous (btw, thank you for provoking this -- it's helpful as I'm preparing to write up Realtalk and need to understand the misconceptions that need to be addressed)

babbage's analytical engine comes with two bells (archive.org/details/passagesfromlife03char… )

FLEX machine, 1968
Smalltalks, 1971-1979
NoteTaker, 1978
Vivarium, 1986-1993
Playground, 1988-1992
Squeak, 1996-
Etoys, 1997-
Croquet, 2003-2007
STEPS, 2006-2012
CDG/HARC, 2013-2017
Tutor, 2016-

(architecture machine group, ~1976)

stories and games (from worrydream.com/AlanKaySqueaklandPosts)

understanding engelbart

on documenting dynamicland

At my first job, I remember protesting that a certain fashionable industrial design decision would look ridiculous in ten years. My boss responded, "We're not selling this product in ten years. We're selling it now." I learned something about myself that day.


@tophtucker By the way, have you read much along this thread (that I just made up)? I think you might be into it. I'm thinking of Ong in particular (or at least as a starting point).

Carver's wonderful whirlwind history of how people learned to move electrons around youtube.com/watch?v=m99YI7…

radiation pressure @dynamicland1
(This was three lines of code. You could have made it yourself.)

@byedit @GaryMarcus @riva @ishacbertran @hxrts @meilinfung @sapinker In Early History of Smalltalk, Kay mentions Piaget, Bruner, Montessori, Dewey, Holt, Suzuki, Arnheim, McLuhan, others. worrydream.com/EarlyHistoryOfSmalltalk

Later: Betty Edwards, Doreen Nelson, Tim Gallwey, Koestler, (even later) Kahneman... (Some pointers here: squeakland.org/resources/books/readingList.jsp)

@pwang @rsnous @shakti_tech @msexcel This is a interesting exchange between (pro-data) Rich Hickey and (pro-meaning) Alan Kay: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=119416…
(FWIW, after Rich concedes that most data requires "sufficient formatting and metadata" and "some human involvement for interpretation", Alan could have added, "For a scalable (intergalactic) system, that "metadata" must be a *process*, because human involvement doesn't scale.")

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