In case you missed it, we have a website for @Dynamicland1 now. It manages to convey a good 20% or so of what the project is all about!
To semiunsubtweet, this isn't really a dig at NL so much as a clarification that what we're making at DL (and what gets made at DL) is something else entirely.
(It's sort of the difference between the Switch itself and, say, a Smalltalk environment.)
(I hesitated in posting this because I'm not sure "Smalltalk environment" means anything to anyone anymore. Maybe people just read it as Smalltalk syntax highlighting in Sublime Text.)
(Re: how do you defend against malicious activity?)
You walk up to the person who's doing it and ask them to please stop doing it. If they don't stop, you kick them out.
(When everybody is present in the same space, much of "security" reduces to social negotiation rather than technical barriers.)
Privacy is also just social norms. Things left on public tables are assumed to be public. Things on your own desk are somewhat more private, and things in your notebook or bag are completely private. To work on a private project, go off into a corner. No permission bits required.
@violinar About the alphabet and oral/written modes of thoughts specifically, I love "Domestication of the Savage Mind" by Jack Goody and "Orality and Literacy" by Walter Ong.
@violinar About the printing press, the canonical work is "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change" by Elizabeth Eisenstein. "Speed of light transmission of images" probably references McLuhan.
I really really like this way of putting it. (I've phrased this in the past as "If you think I've gone off the rails, I was never on your rails to begin with" but this is nicer.)…
rereading Egan on the plane, and came to that part where I once tried to extract a quote and ended up transcribing ten pages…
@joannekcheung Some say the world will end in fire.
Some say in snow.
Peruse the dire daily news
to scope the world through burning hues.
But further focal distance brings
a winter slowly turning spring.
I guess this is the "funny" part that I'm supposed to tweet, but really, the entire book is so illuminating in its historical perspective. (highly recommended)
@joannekcheung Birds get worms that taste delicious.
Owls get stars to place their wishes.
Martians wish, by night and day,
they weren't so cold and far away.
I got the "are you Bret Victor" walking back from the museum this afternoon. Asked him about himself: "I'm a gardner. I used to be a programmer, but after your talks, I couldn't do it anymore." "Your recent work gives me hope for my two kids."
@tophtucker So, astronomers observe, a moon
Hath smaller moons around it strewn;
And these have more, too small to fathom,
And so proceed down to the atoms
A number used to be a tactile phenomenon. Now it's an image.
I wonder if music-making will go the same way, purely manipulating intangible marks on screens, instruments becoming as obsolete as the abacus.
(via… )
@inthehands but what if singing is someday seen as handwriting is today -- quaint, messy, not for anything serious, falling into disuse, atrophying... (are we already there?)
@MattPLavoie@nsfmc When you're working on a 50-year time scale, fun is a requirement in order to get anywhere. Otherwise, the enormity of the task will drag you down and eat you. Joy in the moment is the only short-term incentive.
@michael_nielsen I used to ask those questions, before I got too concerned about what was being done with all that "powerful" power. I switched to the q of what new forms of communication could make possible understanding, responsibility, and stewardship of global systems
The answers to your questions are the same as the answer to "can we split the atom", that is, "obviously yes, but if that's the only question you're asking, you're also asking for some terrible implications".
@flantz@michael_nielsen I consider propaganda and modern advertising to be powerful forms of communication. And the conversations at Los Alamos were conducted in a powerful mathematical language very much in the spirit of Michael's question.
harder to capture in a tweet -- this came out of @itshunkydory and me casually taking turns messing with "make it rain" while chatting with Margaret and Cynthia around the lunch table. it's a doodle.…
this is what's impossible to convey about @dynamicland1 -- what look like "demos" or "projects" in these tweets are actually just the leftover scratch paper from conversation, discussion, exploration, playing, joking, riffing in a real place in real time with real people
Congratulations Apple, a 942.8 billion dollar company, for building on the work of @tristanharris and @edelwax, who have dedicated so much of the last few years to scrounging for nonprofit funding.…
To be clear, this has nothing to do with Apple being "bad" or "good". It's a structural problem. There are vast incentives for logging the forest, planting seeds has become an unfundable nightmare, and many people don't realize that trees grow from seeds in the first place.
@arntzenius@Dynamicland1 indeed, very much inspired by Linda's tuple spaces, with two less-old ideas: tuples as complete sentences (inspired by Inform 7 and @alexwarth) and tuples located in real physical space (inspired by handwork, Tufte, reality). Both super-important!
@rsnous another purpose of this dramatic simplification is to enable STEPS-like human-scale computing systems, and the purpose of *that* is to enable Nile Viewer-like representations that let people to see and understand the behavior of the entire system at every level of abstraction
@rsnous and you want to notice claims and make wishes about objects, not about the sensors and actuators (e.g. in the dragglezone, instead of wishing about the dragglebots, you wish that an object contains dots, and the bots do their thing under the table to make reality match the wish)
The "deploy-or-die" attitude in research is obscenely negligent. If what you're creating can have enormous and unpredictable ramifications, then testing on millions of people is unethical and depraved. If it can't, then you're not doing significant research.
@haikustranger@rsnous Indeed! I think the difference is that programming consists of constantly churning out new blackboxed functions, whereas in electronics, you only occasionally make a black box yourself. So every op-amp is carefully designed, has a detailed spec sheet, application notes, etc.
"Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither." -- CS Lewis on assigning CS students to implement Xanadu instead of some compiler or database or whatever
@rsnous@Dynamicland1 Growing up within a worldview of "apps" and "dev tools" constrains people to see everything in those terms. It can take tremendous unlearning to even be able to /see/ an "authoring is always on" system for what it is.…
@ecgade@rsnous it works because 1. you mostly don't need it at all, 2. all actions you perform in the hypercard UI generate hypertalk "under the hood" which you can then tweak instead of writing from scratch, 3. when you copy & paste objects from other people's stacks, the code comes with them
@maxkreminski@rsnous Isn't this dissonance characteristic of any domain where humans layer a narrative over a system? e.g. mythological and religious narratives over actual nature, advertising narratives over the actual economic system, political narratives over the actual social system... 1/
@maxkreminski@rsnous The scientific process (and, to some extent, historical research done well) are humanity's only serious attempts to escape this vulnerability by painstakingly ensuring that the narrative matches the system in every possible detail. 2/