When I was a child, I spake as a child. I progranmed as a child. And I cranked out a whole bunch of stuff for the Apple IIgs.
All this was written in 65C816 assembly language with no debugger or reference manuals.
TextFighter: like Street Fighter, but entirely with text characters. (1994)
Operation Lambda: an original puzzle game with lasers and mirrors. (1996)
PuyoPuyo: my adaptation of a great Tetris-like puzzle game that all the kids were playing. (1995)
CrossHatch: an original puzzle game, sort of a cross between Tetris and jigsaw. (1996)
SurfBurgers: shoot flying hamburgers with math problems on them! (1996)
Bunnies and Carrots: a clever and competitive two-player game. (1996)
CoolEd: compose and edit music
Opening Line: customize splash screen
uselessware series:
Shadybar/Bender: desktop UI shading
Boinger: bouncy apple menu
GravityMouse: heavy mouse pointer
Horoscope: see your future
SlixLaunch: animated program launch
MagicMouse: control mouse with keyboard
Autolnfo: always see info on Finder selections
Barnone II: hide menubar until needed
DisChord: see and hear piano chords
Periodic Table: 111 elements in just 1 app
MightyScroll: scroll windows with keyboard
World Time Zones: the current time, worldwide
SlixTop: slick desktop UI
Jam Break: randomly hit keys and make music
WhatchaPress: find special font symbols
MightyQuotes: convert straight quotes to curly
PickQuick: quickly open favorite folders
MightyPrefix: file-select dialogs and Finder
AAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!! blast holes in screen
MightyUnits: measurement unit converter
Tell Me: find Finder windows
SpamMaster: respond to email spammers
SlixSecurity: child-proof your computer