- Abelson 1999 - Amorphous Computing
- Air Force 1960 - Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Alexander 1965 - A City Is Not A Tree
- Alexander 1972 - Specifications for an Organic and Human Building System
- Allen-Conn 2003 - Powerful Ideas in the Classroom
- Altmann 1989 - Hamilton, Rodrigues, and the Quaternion Scandal
- Amarel 1966 - On the Mechanization of Creative Processes
- Anderson 1972 - More is Different
- Armstrong 2003 - Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors
- Arnold 1997 - Interview (Lui)
- Arnold 1997 - On Teaching Mathematics
- Backus 1978 - Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style
- Barber 1961 - Resistance by Scientists to Scientific Discovery
- Bardini 2002 - Chronicle of the Death of a Laboratory
- Barthes 1971 - From Work to Text
- Barton 1961 - A New Approach to the Functional Design of a New Computer
- Barton 1965 - The Interrelation Between Programming Languages and Machine Organization
- Barut 1979 - Stable particles as building blocks of matter
- Barut 1981 - Zitterbewegung and the internal geometry of the electron
- Barut 1985 - Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-energy, Lamb Shift and Spontaneous Emission Without Field Quantization
- Barut 1986 - Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-Energy, Spontaneous Emission in Cavities
- Barut 1987 - Relativistic Theory of Spontaneous Emission
- Barut 1988 - Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-fields, Without Second Quantization, A Nonrelativisitic Calculation of g - 2
- Barut 1990 - Quantum electrodynamics based on self-fields, On the origin of thermal radiation
- Barut 1990 - Self-field quantum electrodynamics, The two-level atom
- Barut 1991 - Interpretation of self-field quantum electrodynamics
- Barut 1991 - Self-field papers
- Barut 1998 - A Personal Tribute (Dowling)
- Beck 1989 - A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking
- Bell 1982 - On the impossible pilot wave
- Bennett 1973 - Logical Reversibility of Computation
- Bennett 1988 - Notes on the history of reversible computation
- Betzig 2014 - Single Molecules, Cells, and Super-Resolution Optics
- Bezanson 2012 - Julia, A Fast Dynamic Language for Technical Computing
- Bezanson 2015 - Abstraction in Technical Computing
- Bolt 1977 - Graphical Conversation Theory
- Bolt 1979 - Spatial Data Management
- Bolt 1980 - Put That There
- Bolt 1998 - Reflections on Put-That-There
- Borning 1981 - The Programming Language Aspects of ThingLab
- Borwein 2001 - Aesthetics for the Working Mathematician
- Brennan 1990 - Conversation With and Through Computers
- Brennan 1991 - Grounding in Communication
- Brennan 1998 - The Grounding Problem in Conversations With and Through Computers
- Brooks 1986 - No Silver Bullet
- Brown 1981 - Dynamic Program Building
- Bruner 1960 - The Process of Education
- Bruner 1965 - Man, A Course of Study
- Burnham 1970 - Software, Information Technology, Its New Meaning for Art
- Burroughs 1961 - ALGOL 60 Syntactical Chart
- Bush 1931 - The Differential Analyzer
- Bush 1945 - As We May Think (Life Magazine)
- Bush 1945 - As We May Think (with Engelbart notes)
- Bush 1945 - As We May Think
- Bush 1967 - Memex Revisited
- Bush 2010 - Quantum mechanics writ large
- Buxton 2005 - Interaction at Lincoln Laboratory in the 1960
- Cardelli 2005 - Abstract Machines of Systems Biology
- Carriero 1989 - Linda in Context
- Caves 2001 - Quantum probabilities as Bayesian probabilities
- Chappell 2016 - Geometric Algebra, A natural representation of three-space
- Chiou 2001 - A Marriage of Convenience, The Founding of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- Ciccarelli 1984 - Presentation Based User Interfaces
- Clark D 1988 - The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols
- Clark D 1990 - Architectural Considerations for a New Generation of Protocols
- Clark H 1991 - Grounding in Communication
- Clark W 1957 - TX-2 papers
- Clark W 1986 - The LINC was early and small
- Clark W 1993 - Notes on Stan Augarten's manuscript
- Clement 1993 - Using Bridging Analogies
- Cockburn 2007 - A Review of Overview+Detail, Zooming, and Focus+Context Interfaces
- Cohn 2012 - Comics, Linguistics, and Visual Language
- Collins 2000 - Tacit Knowledge, Trust, and the Q of Sapphire
- Compton 1939 - The Genesis of a Curriculum in Biological Engineering
- Conway J 2013 - Interview (Schleicher)
- Conway L 2012 - Reminiscences of the VLSI Revolution
- Cook 2000 - How Complex Systems Fail
- Costikyan 2002 - I Have No Words and I Must Design
- Cox 1946 - Probability, Frequency and Reasonable Expectation
- Cramer 2020 - Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse
- Crowe 2002 - History Of Vector Analysis
- DEC 1969 - Computers in the Psychology Lab
- DeLeon 2013 - Rules in Computer Games Compared to Rules in Traditional Games
- Devlin 2013 - What is mathematics
- diSessa 1977 - On Learnable Representations of Knowledge
- diSessa 1986 - Boxer, A Reconstructible Computational Medium
- diSessa 1988 - Knowledge in Pieces
- Dodge 2006 - PSSC Physics, By One Who Saw It from Beginning to End
- Doerfler 2009 - The Lost Art of Nomography
- Druin 1988 - Noobie, the Animal Design Playstation
- Egan 2001 - Why education is so difficult and contentious
- Egan 2003 - Some cognitive tools of literacy
- Egan 2007 - Learning in depth
- Ehrenberg 1977 - Rudiments of Numeracy
- Endy 2005 - Adventures in Synthetic Biology
- Engelbart 1960 - Games That Teach the Fundamentals of Computer Operation
- Engelbart 1962 - Augmenting Human Intellect (typeset)
- Engelbart 1962 - Augmenting Human Intellect
- Engelbart 1972 - Advanced Intellect-Augmentation Techniques
- Engelbart 1992 - Toward High-Performance Organizations
- Engelbart 2003 - Improving Our Ability to Improve
- England 2007 - John Perry's neglected critique of Kelvin's age for the Earth
- Fairbairn 2016 - Oral History (Laws)
- Fearnley-Sander 1979 - Hermann Grassmann and the Creation of Linear Algebra
- Fenton 1989 - Playground, An Object Oriented Simulation System with Agent Rules for Children of All Ages
- Ferguson 1977 - The Mind's Eye, Nonverbal Thought in Technology
- Feynman 1974 - Cargo Cult Science
- Francoeur 1997 - The Forgotten Tool, The Design and Use of Molecular Models
- Fröhner 1993 - Quantum Mechanics, How Weird For Bayesians
- Gabriel 2012 - The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution
- Gaver 1989 - The SonicFinder
- Gelernter 1992 - Coordination Languages and their Significance
- Gillespie 1959 - Introduction to A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry
- Goldman 1975 - The need for basic research in industry
- Goldstein 1981 - PIE four reports
- Goodstein 1994 - The Big Crunch
- Goody 1963 - The Consequences of Literacy
- Green 1828 - The Application of Mathematical Analysis
- Griswold 1971 - The SNOBOL4 Programming Language
- Gull 1993 - Imaginary Numbers are not Real
- Hadamard 1945 - The psychology of invention in the mathematical field
- Hamming 1968 - One Man's View of Computer Science
- Hamming 1980 - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
- Hamming 1982 - On Responsibility
- Hamming 1997 - The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
- Hamming 1998 - Mathematics on a Distant Planet
- Hawkins 1965 - Messing About In Science
- Heeffer 2011 - Historical objections against the number line
- Henderson 1982 - Functional Geometry
- Hestenes 1983 - Quantum Mechanics from Self-Interaction
- Hestenes 1986 - Secrets of Genius
- Hestenes 1987 - Toward a Modeling Theory of Physics Instruction
- Hestenes 1992 - Modeling games in the Newtonian World
- Hestenes 1995 - A Modeling Method for high school physics instruction
- Hestenes 1995 - Modeling Software for learning and doing physics
- Hestenes 2002 - Reforming the Mathematical Language of Physics
- Hestenes 2003 - Spacetime Physics with Geometric Algebra
- Hestenes 2006 - Notes for a Modeling Theory of Science, Cognition and Instruction
- Hestenes 2012 - Interview (Tasar)
- Hestenes 2016 - The Genesis of Geometric Algebra, A Personal Retrospective
- Hewitt 1973 - A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence
- Hewitt 1981 - The Scientific Community Metaphor
- Hillis 1985 - The Connection Machine
- Hoare 1981 - The Emperors Old Clothes
- Hofstadter 1989 - To Err is Human
- Hofstadter 2001 - Analogy as the Core of Cognition
- Hollan 1992 - Beyond Being There
- Hollan 1995 - Pad++
- Holloway 1980 - The SCHEME-79 Chip
- Hopper 1952 - The Education of a Computer
- Hudak 2007 - A History of Haskell, Being Lazy With Class
- Hughes 1990 - Why Functional Programming Matters
- Hunt 2015 - Maxwell, Measurement, and the Modes of Electromagnetic Theory
- Hutchins 1985 - Direct Manipulation Interfaces
- Hutchins 1985 - How a Cockpit Remembers Its Speeds
- Ingalls 1978 - The Smalltalk-76 Programming System
- Ingalls 1981 - Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
- Ingalls 1988 - Fabrik, A Visual Programming Environment
- Ingalls 1997 - Back to the Future
- Ingalls 2020 - The Evolution of Smalltalk
- Iverson 1991 - A Personal View of APL
- Jacobson 1995 - How to Kill the Internet
- Jaynes 1984 - The Evolution of Carnot's Principle
- Jaynes 1985 - Some Random Observations
- Jaynes 1988 - Clearing up Mysteries
- Jaynes 1990 - Probability in Quantum Theory
- Jaynes 1990 - Scattering of Light by Free Electrons
- Jaynes 1991 - Notes on Present Status and Future Progress
- Jaynes 1992 - The Gibbs Paradox
- Jefferson 1985 - Virtual Time
- Jefferson 1987 - Distributed Simulation and the Time Warp Operating System
- Johnson 1989 - The Xerox Star, a Retrospective
- Kay 1968 - FLEX, A Flexible Extendable Language
- Kay 1972 - A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages
- Kay 1975 - Personal Computing
- Kay 1976 - Personal Dynamic Media (LRG)
- Kay 1977 - Microelectronics and the Personal Computer
- Kay 1977 - Personal Dynamic Media
- Kay 1984 - Computer Software
- Kay 1984 - Opening the Hood of a Word Processor
- Kay 1985 - Software's Second Act
- Kay 1988 - Playground Essays
- Kay 1989 - User Interface, a Personal View
- Kay 1994 - A bicycle for the mind redux
- Kay 1995 - Powerful Ideas Need Love Too
- Kay 1996 - Revealing the Elephant
- Kay 1997 - Technology and Powerful Ideas
- Kay 2001 - Software - Art, Engineering, Mathematics, or Science
- Kay 2004 - The Center of Why
- Kay 2005 - Enlightened Imagination for Citizens
- Kay 2006 - STEPS proposal
- Kay 2007 - Children Learning by Doing
- Kay 2007 - STEPS 2007 Progress Report
- Kay 2007 - The Real Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet
- Kay 2008 - Oral History (Spicer)
- Kay 2010 - Programming and Programming Languages
- Kay 2012 - STEPS 2012 Progress and Final NSF Report
- Kay 2013 - What is a Dynabook
- Kell 2013 - The operating system, should there be one
- Kennedy 1956 - Administration of Research in a Research Corporation
- Kim 1988 - Viewpoint, Toward a Computer for Visual Thinkers
- Kita 2003 - J.C.R. Licklider's Vision for the IPTO
- Klemmer 2006 - How Bodies Matter
- Krasner 1983 - Smalltalk-80 Bits of History, Words of Advice
- Kurlander 1991 - Editable Graphical Histories, the Video
- Kurlander 1992 - A History-Based Macro By Example System
- Kurlander 1993 - Graphical Editing by Example
- Kurlander 1993 - Inferring Constraints from Multiple Snapshots
- Lamport 1978 - Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System
- Lamport 2003 - The Future of Computing, Logic or Biology
- Lampson 1979 - Alto User's Handbook
- Lampson 1983 - Hints for Computer System Design
- Landauer 1961 - Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process
- Landauer 1994 - Zig-Zag Path to Understanding
- Landauer 1996 - The physical nature of information
- Landin 1966 - The Next 700 Programming Languages
- Lapham 1994 - The Eternal Now
- Latour 1986 - Visualisation and Cognition
- Latour 1995 - Cogito ergo sumus
- Le Goc 2016 - Zooids, Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces
- Lenat 1975 - Beings, Knowledge as Interacting Experts
- Lenat 1982 - Heuretics, Theoretical and Experimental Study of Heuristic Rules
- Lenat 1983 - Why AM and Eurisko Appear to Work
- Lenat 2008 - Voice of the Turtle
- Leslie 1987 - Pretense and Representation
- Licklider 1960 - Man-Computer Symbiosis
- Licklider 1962 - Online Man-Computer Communication
- Licklider 1963 - Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network
- Licklider 1965 - Libraries of the Future
- Licklider 1968 - Interactive Information Processing, Retrieval, and Transfer
- Licklider 1968 - The Computer as Communication Device
- Licklider 1988 - Oral History (Aspray)
- Liljedahl 2004 - Mathematical Discovery, Hadamard Resurected
- LINC 1965 - Convocation on the Mississippi
- Lions 1977 - A Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System
- Lockhart 2002 - A Mathematician's Lament
- Ludolph 1988 - The Fabrik Programming Environment
- Luzin 1998 - The Evolution of Function, Part II
- Maloney 1995 - Directness and Liveness in Morphic
- Mansinghka 2014 - Venture, a higher-order probabilistic programming platform with programmable inference
- Maslow 1943 - A Theory of Human Motivation
- Mason 1980 - When is a Symbol Symbolic
- Maxwell 2006 - Tracing the Dynabook
- McCarthy 1979 - History of Lisp
- McCulloch 1943 - A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity
- McLuhan 1969 - Interview (Playboy)
- Mead 1996 - Oral History (Cohen)
- Mead 2000 - Interview (Youngblood)
- Mead 2001 - Interview (American Spectator)
- Mead 2013 - The Nature of Light, What are Photons
- Mead 2022 - Neuromorphic Engineering, In Memory of Misha Mahowald
- Mead 2023 - Engineering View of Gravitation
- Meltzer 2011 - Active-Learning Instruction in Physics
- Meltzer 2015 - A Brief History of Physics Education Research Among University Students
- Mermin 1999 - How Not to Create Tigers
- Meyer 1989 - The New Culture of Software Development
- Meyer 1990 - Tools for the New Culture
- Miller 2006 - Robust Composition
- Minsky 1961 - Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence
- Minsky 1967 - Why programming is a good medium for expressing poorly understood and sloppily-formulated ideas
- Mody 2010 - Test objects and other epistemic things
- Moore 1966 - Autotelic Responsive Environments and Exceptional Children
- Moore 1991 - Forth, The Early Years
- Moseley 2006 - Out of the Tar Pit
- Mueller-Prove 2022 - Vision and Reality of Hypertext
- Myers 1998 - Scripting Graphical Applications by Demonstration
- Myers 2007 - Modeling Proteins, Making Scientists
- Negroponte 1970 - Seek
- Negroponte 1976 - An Idiosyncratic Systems Approach to Interactive Graphics
- Nelson D 1982 - City Building Education
- Nelson G 2006 - Natural Language, Semantic Analysis and Interactive Fiction
- Nelson G 2008 - Inform 7, The Program
- Nelson G 2014 - Prompter, A Domain-Specific Language for Versu
- Nelson G 2020 - Narrascope 2020 talk
- Nelson P 2018 - Activities and Classroom Demonstrations in Biological Physics
- Nelson P 2023 - Electromagnetic Phenomena
- Nelson T 1970 - Computers Are Not What You Think
- Nelson T 1970 - The Crafting of Media
- Nelson T 1974 - Computer Lib, Dream Machines
- Netz 2002 - Counter Culture, Towards a History of Greek Numeracy
- Nielsen 1993 - Noncommand User Interfaces
- Noll 2015 - Memories, A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories
- Noyes 1958 - Memoir (Pauling)
- NRC 1999 - Funding a Revolution, Government Support for Computing Research
- Nyquist 1924 - Certain Factors Affecting Telegraph Speed
- Ong 1975 - The Writer's Audience is Always a Fiction
- Ong 1985 - Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought
- Ornstein 2002 - Computing in the Middle Ages
- Ousterhout 1983 - The User Interface and Implementation of Caesar
- Owens 1986 - Vannevar Bush and the Differential Analyzer
- Papert 1971 - Teaching Children Thinking
- Papert 1971 - Teaching Children to be Mathematicians vs. Teaching About Mathematics
- Papert 1980 - Mindstorms, 1st ed
- Papert 1986 - Beyond The Cognitive
- Papert 1990 - Computer Criticism vs. Technocentric Thinking
- Papert 2000 - Whats the Big Idea, Toward a Pedagogy of Idea Power
- PARC 1971 - PARC Papers for Pendery and Planning Purposes
- Pearl 2014 - Understanding Simpson's Paradox
- Perkins 1997 - Inventing the Lisa User Interface
- Pike 2000 - Systems Software Research is Irrelevant
- Piumarta 2010 - Points of View
- Postman 1998 - Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change
- Proebsting 2000 - Tangible Program Histories
- Purcell 1976 - Life at low Reynolds number
- Radul 2009 - Propagation Networks
- Reed 1978 - Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized Computer System
- Reif 1995 - Understanding and teaching important scientific thought processes
- Repenning 2006 - Collaborative Diffusion, Programming Antiobjects
- Resnick 2013 - The Somerville STEAM Academy Innovation Plan
- Richardson 1992 - Looking at proteins
- Schachman 2012 - Alternative Programming Interfaces for Alternative Programmers
- Schmandt 1981 - The Intelligent Voice-lnteractive Interface
- Scientific American 1966 - Information (June 1966)
- Scott 2018 - Oral History (Holmes)
- Seeman 1988 - Physical Models for Exploring DNA Topology
- Seeman 2006 - Architecture with GIDEON, a program for design in structural DNA nanotechnology
- Seeman 2011 - Oral History (McCray)
- Shannon 1946 - Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems
- Shannon 1948 - A Mathematical Theory of Communication
- Shannon 1956 - The Bandwagon
- Shneiderman 1983 - Direct Manipulation, A Step Beyond Programming Languages
- Sibum 1995 - Reworking the Mechanical Value of Heat
- Simon 1970 - Human Problem Solving, The State of the Theory in 1970
- Smaldino 2013 - Human Cumulative Cultural Evolution as a Form of Distributed Computation
- Smith DA 2003 - Croquet, A Collaboration System Architecture
- Smith DC 1975 - Pygmalion
- Smith R 1987 - Experiences With The Alternate Reality Kit, An Example of the Tension Between Literalism and Magic
- Sokoloff 2007 - RealTime Physics, active learning labs transforming the introductory laboratory
- Spence 1998 - Who Was Playfair
- Spohrer 1998 - ATG Education Research, The Authoring Tools Thread
- Stallman 1979 - EMACS, The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting Display Editor
- Stewart 1986 - Hermann Grassmann was Right
- Strassmann 2008 - The Computers Nobody Wanted, My Years With Xerox
- Sussman 1999 - Robust Design through Diversity
- Sussman 2007 - Building Robust Systems
- Sutherland 1963 - Sketchpad (dissertation)
- Sutherland 1963 - Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System
- Sutherland 1965 - The Ultimate Display
- Sutherland 1970 - Computer Displays
- Sutherland 1977 - Microelectronics and Computer Science
- Sutherland 1996 - Technology and Courage
- Sutherland 2012 - The Tyranny of the Clock (short)
- Sutherland 2012 - The Tyranny of the Clock
- Swinehart 1985 - The Structure of Cedar
- Swineheart 1986 - A Structural View of the Cedar Programming Environment
- Symbolics 1982 - Genera Concepts
- Taylor 2008 - Oral History (McJones)
- Teitelman 1984 - The Cedar Programming Environment, A Midterm Report and Examination
- Tesler 2012 - A Personal History of Modeless Text Editing and Cut-Copy-Paste
- Thurston 1990 - Mathematical Education
- Thurston 1994 - On Proof and Progress in Mathematics
- Travers 1994 - Recursive Interfaces for Reactive Objects
- Travers 1996 - Programming with Agents
- Trefethen 1992 - The Definition of Numerical Analysis
- Trefethen 2005 - Ten Digit Algorithms
- Trefethen 2013 - review of Visual Complex Functions
- Turing 1936 - On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem
- Turner D 2012 - Some History of Functional Programming Languages
- Turner F 2017 - Don't Be Evil
- Turner F 2018 - The arts at Facebook
- Ungar 1991 - Self, The Power of Simplicity
- Ungar 2007 - Self (HOPL)
- Ungar 2014 - Korz Simple, Symmetric, Subjective, Context-Oriented Programming
- Vannevar Bush Symposium 1995 - Closing Panel
- Wadge 1995 - Lucid, the Dataflow Programming Language
- Wadler 2014 - Propositions As Types
- Ware 1966 - Johnniac Eulogy
- Ware 2008 - RAND and the Information Evolution
- Watts 1998 - Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks
- Waychoff 1979 - Stories about the B5000 and people who were there
- Weinreb 1981 - Lisp Machine Manual
- Weiser 1991 - The Computer for the 21st Century
- Wigner 1960 - The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
- Wilkes 1970 - Conversational Access to a 2048-Word Machine
- Wilson D 2012 - Designing for the Pleasures of Disputation
- Wilson M 2002 - Six views of embodied cognition
- Wirth 2005 - Project Oberon
- Xerox 1981 - 8010 Star Information System Learner's Guide
- Yaeger 2006 - Vivarium History
- Yariv 1999 - Oral History (Cohen)
- Yeo 2007 - Before Memex
- Zhang 2004 - Representations in Distributed Cognitive Tasks
- Ziman 1969 - The Band Structure Problem
- Zwicky 1974 - Remembering Zwicky